Saturday, February 13, 2010

Valentines Gratitude

Happy Valentines are some Beignets for you all! I had some this morning.

February was a crazy month for me. About 3 weeks ago I had surgery and a biopsy because of a previous irregularity with a mammogram. It was nerve wrecking waiting for the results-and on top of that I had quizzes to take and a research paper to turn in. Luckily I have very supportive friends and family who have been praying for me, so that really helped. About a week ago, the results of the surgery came back and luckily everything was benign. No abnormal cells found. I'm very grateful, I hear so many stories of situations going the other way. Good health- what an awesome birthday gift!


lidia said...

yummmm, those look is my missing tooth lydia doing? did she enjoy her Valentine day?.glad you ladies had fun

Isaura said...

oh my goodness little lydia is lookinf more and more like your mini me :)!!!!
those beignets look soo good.
why don'y you guys ever age????
you still look like you did when you were fair.
i on the other hand..well, no comment

Izzy said...

Iris!!!! You girls look so BEAUTIFUL!!!! AHA HA Lidia looks like your mini-me twin. You girls are so exotic and beautiful. I ♥ your shiny black hair. And I love your girls hair long!!!! Soooooo sweet!!!!

Did you make those beignets? I want to try some!

Josh...I love pictures of you and Lydia together!

Glad you had a FUN night!

I can't wait to see you all again!!!!!!!!!!!

KIRK S. said...

glad to hear that you're results came back negative. hope you all are doing well!